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About DetailingWiki

DetailingWiki has been created in the winter of 2016 with the sole purpose to offer people around the world a single place of information. A place to refer to, to link to or even to quote in order to help teach fellow detailers. This DetailingWiki Project started in November 2015 by Vinnie van Rooij, but with little succes other then his own writing. In Februari 2016 a test-website was set up to start creating the actual website and to put the content in.
That same month several others where asked to contribute to the website, in order to make it grow. The DetailingWiki Project was growing (mostly via the Facebook Group).

“I often saw people asking the same questions over and over on many Detailing groups on Facebook. I noticed how many members where getting a bit annoyed on how often the same question is asked. Even on detailing fora I saw the same question coming back each time. I wondered why there wasn’t a single place with the information members had to keep on giving? So I decided to put all the information offered by members on fora, internet pages, books and experience into written pieces of text, and uploaded them into a Wikipedia-style website. The result was: DetailingWiki.” – Vinnie van Rooij – 2016.

DetailingWiki is only made possible by the huge contributions of many members. Among them are:

  • Samuel Elter
  • Vinnie van Rooij
  • Dave KG
  • Nick Kilner

DetailingWiki is sponsored and partially owned by the Dutch Car Care Nederland.


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