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DetailingWiki is a non-profit collection of writers and editors who aim to spread their knowledge and insight of the world of detailing. These articles are written by several different detailers and are added to the database. The main inspiration of the concept came from WikiPedia, the largest online encyclopedia in the world.


DetailingWiki’s history

DetailingWiki was setup in the beginning of 2015 by Vinnie van Rooij, owner of Car Care Nederland from the The Netherlands. The concept was aimed at sharing the knowledge from experienced detailers via written articles that are free to all. At the start, the team was formed by Vinnie alone, but within the first year 3 writers joined the team. New articles are added every 2 days, and many already written articles are edited when needed. At the time of writing (May 2020), the website is almost 5 years old, well over 500 articles have been published with contributions from a dozen different writers.

The success of DetailingWiki

At the time of writing (mid 2020) DetailingWiki is the single largest encyclopedia on the subject of car care and detailing/valeting. The website attracts roughly 40.000 visitors a month, has just over 140 articles in the top 3 search results on Google and another total of 300 articles on the first page of search results on Google. DetailingWiki has grown into the largest detailing-related database on the internet. DetailingWiki started with 1 writer, its founder, but corrently has 4 known writers and 10 freelance private writers.

DetailingWiki and sponsorship

DetailingWiki has been offered many times to accept product gifts, or even financial gifts for publishing articles written by manufacturers or marketing companies. These offers have, and will always be refused. DetailingWiki is completely independent and does not accept any form of sponsorship. The basis for our concept is taken from Wikipedia, which means we are non-biased, independent and try to focus on being informative.
Due to the lack of any form of income, DetailingWiki’s owner has decided to fund the website maintenance from his other company Car Care Nederland. This ensures the future of DetailingWiki and makes it possible to keep the focus on writing articles.

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