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What is a polyol

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Polyol is a reference to organic compounds that contain more then 1 hydroxyl groups. In the world of detailing it mainly refers to polymer technology or nanoscience that is being used in the manufacturering process of certain products.


Polyoyl in detailing product

Not all products in the world of detailing are made with or from just one polymer. Take for example Alyd resins, that is highly used as a binder in many oil-based coatings. Alkyd resins are low molecular weight polyols that are very popular due to their unique properties. Polymer chemistry is a field of work that is commonly used within the world of detailing to create synthetic products and/or to enhance natural products. Even the foam used to create polishing pad can be subjected to these practises.

Polyol in Nano-products

The preparation of metal nanoparticles often employ the “polyol method.” In such cases, the polyol is usually a long chain diol such as hexadecanediol. Such diols serve as both reductants and surface-protecting agents for the nanoparticles.

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