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303 is an American brand by GoldEagle and consists of several detailing products for a wide variety of markets. The products can be used for automotive detailing, but also for indoor/outdoor use and boat care. The brand offers several different products for several different tasks.


303 and its products

303 offers several different product, amongst them are quick detailers, fabric guards/protectants, cleaners and protection. Out of this group of products they are probably best known for their well-priced fabric protectant. Mocht of the products are in liquid form and can be used via the spraybottle it is sold in.

Company information

303 and GoldEagle have their own company website. 303 is not very overly active on social media or message boards such as fora. They can be found at detailing related events and/or meetings in America but are rarely seen outside the USA. Within Europe, they are only represented by resellers and webshops that offer a wide variety of brands and products.

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