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3D International LLC

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3D is an American, California based manufacturer of detailing products. Apart from also distributing other brands they offer a private label service.


3D products

3D, or “3D products” as some know it, create a wide variety of products. These products include wax, air fresheners, shampoo, quick detailer, degreaser, interior protection, carpet cleaner, dressing, all purpose cleaner and much more. The knowledge gained from offering the private label service has helped to develop their own range, which in turn helps to push the boundaries on research and development. More then 95% of their products are biodegradable and/or green. 100% VOC compliant.
3D has played a large part in introducing and developing the first waterless wash in the 1990’s.

3D International LLC guarantee

3D offers a 100% guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with the results, they will refund the price of the item including shipping. This offer does not include accessories, equipment, or aerosols. Offer is good for orders placed via their website and does not include phone or in-store orders. Accessories and equipment have a 10 day return policy.

Different brands

Apart from creating their own products via 3D International, they are also the brand behind the HD product line. HD products originate from HD High Definition Car Care, and consists largely out of polishes, cleaners, dressing and protectant.

Company information

3D International have their own company website. They are not often seen on social media or message boards. They are also a rare sight on detailing related fora and detailing related events or car meetings.

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