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Cartec bv

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CARTEC bv is one of only a few Dutch detailing products manufacturers and is based in Benthuizen, The Netherlands. The company mainly operates within The Netherlands and Belgium, but the brand has been seen outside of these countries winthin Europe. The products are offered both in large packaging and smaller, consumer based, bottles.


CARTEC bv history

Cartec was founded over 30 years ago, roughly around 1990. Their is no mention of an exact year the company started. The company produces theif own products and ships/sells them from their own webshops or via different distributors around the country. Although the brand has long been known for offering Car Wash products, the brand also offers a range of products that are aimed at the consumer and private detailing-enthusiast.

CARTEC bv products

Cartec BV has a wide range of products, varying from cleaning and maintenance, to polishing and paint protection. A large assortment of their product range is offered in larger packaging, mainly aimed at the professional user. A different section of the products are offered in smaller packaging, mainly aimed at the regular consumer and detailing enthusiast. The consumer range varies from cleaning and maintenance products to refining, polishing and paint protection.
Apart from detailing products, Cartec is also known for producing wheelpaint and several different automotive hardware products.

CARTEC bv company information

has its own company website and is fairly active on different social media channels. The brand can sometimes be seen on detailing related events or meetings when represented by a reseller. For the professional market, one has to contact Cartec directly. The brand is not often mentioned on detailing fora or message boards seeing as it long had a reputation of creating “car wash” products, and not “detailing” products.

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