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CyberClean is a putty-like product and part of the larger JOKER group. The brand creates specialized products that make removing dirt in difficult to reach areas very easy.


Cyberclean and its products

Cleaning an air-vent with CyberClean
Cleaning an air-vent with CyberClean

CyberClean creates products that are a bit like putty. This very flexible substance can easily be pressed inside small crevices and hard to reach areas. When the substance is pulled out, it pulls out the dirt it has come into contact with, thus removing the dirt from a hard to reach area. A good example would be an air vent. The dirt between the blades can be very difficult to remove. Pressing the CyberClean product inside, and then pulling it out will make it easy to clean.
The product needs to be replaced when the dirt makes it discolor it significantly.

Apart from product for interior detailing, CyberClean also makes several putty-like products for other tasks such as keyboard, plants, fabrics, shoes and others. The products aimed at interior detailing are blue colored coded.

Company information

CyberClean has its own company website. They are not very active on social media and won’t be found at detailing fora or other message boards. They don’t attend detailing events or meetings unless represented by a resellers or webshop.

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