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Kärcher is a German manufacturer of several technical products, most known for its high pressure washers. The company mainly aims at cleaning equipment and has been in service since 1935 by Alfred Kärcher.


Kärcher history

Kärcher was founded by Alfred Kärcher in 1935 who initialy created submersible heating elements from their factory in Stuttgart Bad-Canstatt in Germany. The company even produced hardening furnaces up to 1945. The first modern pressure washer, the DS 350, was created in 1950, which causes a switch to focus mainly on professional cleaning equipment. Even in those days the company created a line for professional and private users. Since then the company has expanded into sweepers, detergents, scrubber-driers, wet and dry vacuums, high pressure washers, vacuum cleaners, brooms, steam cleaners, dr-ice cleaners, dry ice blasting, parts cleaners, water treatment systems, vehicle washers and many accessories and tools to accompany their equipment.
The well known yellow color was introduced in 1974, the previous color was blue.
Kärcher own the American Landa, Hotsy and Shark brands as well as the Cuda parts washers, Watermaze treatment systems, Windsor Kärcher group and Hawk Pump. The company is also primary supplier to both NATO and the US Military.

Kärcher products

The company has been making a strong range of products in the field of professional cleaning and has expanded from the initial pressure washer into several different fields of cleaning. Although most products can be bought in a professional version, and a “domestic” version, there can be some ranges of product that are only offered to professional users. In the world of detailing, the most common tools are the pressure washers, which are currently offered in a range of K-series. The K3 is a light pressure washer for light use, the K7 is a more advanced machine with much more power and possibilities.

Company information

Kärcher has its own company website, and has resellers and distributors in over 160 countries. The company is not overly active on social media, but can be seen and bought in many various stores. As a regular consumer product both the support, the parts and the service is generally widely available.

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