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Muc-Off is a manufacturer of various detailing products and is located in Poole, United Kingdom. The company has a very wide range of products that are not only aimed at automotive detailing.


Muc-Off products

Muc-Off offers a range of products aimed at automotive detailing that takes car of several main steps in the detailing process. They offer products like wheel cleaners, shampoo, brushes, microfiber towels, glass cleaner, dressing, a speed wax and more. The products are all categorized with numbers on the label: 1 = wheels, 2 = bodywork, 3 = protect 4 = detail. This makes it easier to categorizes product based on the task at hand.

Muc-Off history

Muc-Off was established by Rex and Marilynn Trimnell back in 1991 and got into detailing products in 1994. The company started with Rex Trimnell creating a Perfectly Pink Spray to keep his kit clean. Soon enough many others wanted more of this product, which made Rex and Marylinn consider going public with the products. In the years leading up to now the brand evolved and created many more products that have been added to the range. The current collection holds products for automotive detailing, bicycle cleaning and motorcycle detailing.

Different markets

Apart from the automotive and motorcycle detailing market, Muc-Off is also involved in bicycle cleaning and detailing products. The brand offers product for cleaning, maintaining and optimizing. A separate branch of products even caters for body care products like shaving cream, massage oil and moisturizer.

Company information

Muc-Off has its own company website and is fairly active on social media. The brand is not often seen on detailing fora or message boards and is only occasionally seen on detailing events or meetings. Muc-Off has several distributors around the world and is active in almost every part of the world.

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