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abbreviations Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

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Last Step Product (LSP)

A Last Step Product (LSP) is the product that you use in the last step of detailing. This is the “protection” part of detailing. The term is often used by people telling or asking what product was used to protect the achieved finish after a small or large detailing session. As abbreviations are popular, this term quickly become shortened into: LSP.

Common used abbreviations and acronyms

Within the world of detailing, there are quite a lot of abbreviations. These are often used on the internet to shorten a piece of text. A few of these are actually so common that people even use them in speech. One of these is QD. This abbreviations is used on the internet and many people actually call it a QD when they are talking about the product. Not all of them are very popular. Some are so popular that even manufacturers started using them. DA is one of these abbreviations. This stands for Dual Action, which got shortened to DA. And several manufacturers actually use the term DA these days. Because not everybody knows what these abbreviations mean, we created the tooltip. When you hover with the mouse over one of these abbreviations you get to see a tooltip with the explanation.


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