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buffing Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Manufacturers of Detailing related products


Bufffiber is a Dutch car detailing accessories brand. The company was launched in 2017, after a year of internal product development the first products were launched to the general public in the fourth quarter of 2018. At this moment Bufffiber specializes exclusively on high-end Korean microfiber car detailing products, with an intention to expand its product selection in 2019/2020.

What is buffing

Buffing is the act of leveling out residue or excess of a certain applied product. In many cases it will either increase the gloss, or even out the residue to create an uniform look.

What is the swipe-test

When you apply a protective product, that product will start to cure. At a certain point, it is ready to be buffed off. But how do you know it is ready? By doing the swipe-test.

What machine polisher for what job

There are a few different kinds of machine polishers on the market, these are designed with different strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what machine suits which job the best can help to make the job easier or achieve better results.

Which towel to use for what job?

There are several types of towels when detailing and there are several tasks at which you can use a MF towel while detailing. There is a correlation between the task at hand and the towel most fitting for the job.

How to buff compound

Question arise occasionally about the buffing of compound. Buffing compound can be done in a few simple ways, and since it’s the same as polishing it won’t be have a high learning curve.


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