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chemicals Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Posts about general maintenance of a detailed object.

How to detail an electric engine bay

Detailing an electric engine bay is slightly different to a normal engine bay because the lack of a combustible engine. Electric engine require attention to different aspects then combustion engines. Seeing as electric cars are getting more popular, these will become a common sight in the future.

How to remove bird poo

Bird poo can be a big problem with paintwork and needs to be removed as soon as possible. Bird droppings have several aggressive chemicals in them that can severely damage paintwork. Not removing these can cause paint defects that might not be removable. In some cases a respray is needed to repair the surface.

How to remove a ceramic coating

Ceramic coatings are very strong forms of protection, but they are not eternal. Eventually they need to be removed in order to prepare the surface for a brand new application of protection. This means the entire layer of ceramic coatings need to be removed.

How to remove wax

The removal of wax is a necessary step before a protective product is (re-)applied or before polishing. Wax is a hard type of protective product that is made from a large portion of natural ingredients. It has a limited lifespan and needs to be removed after a certain period.


Wolfgang is one of the brands by Palm Beach Motoring Group and is located in the United States of America. The brand is also known as Wolfgang Chemicals or Wolfgang Concours.

What are alloy wheels

Alloy wheels are specific wheels have been made out of aluminium or magnesium, with certain other elements added. They can come in various shapes and sizes and even the finish can differ greatly between models or brands.

TAC System

TACSYSTEM is a Korean manufacturer of specialized nano-technology products. The company has made a name by being the main supplier for several other big detailing manufacturers.

What are health hazards

Detailing isn’t without risks. You work with chemicals or fast moving machines. It is important to take you own safety into account and to be aware of health risks at work. Preparation is key to safety.


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