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cleaning agent Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

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What is a glass cleaner

Cleaning glass can be a bit difficult. It is very easy to get streaks and smears. A dedicated glass cleaner will help a lot. But even with the proper product it depends on how you use them.

What is a tar remover

In the world of detailing, their are several special cleaning products. Among them is the tar remover. This is a special cleaning product to remove tar and often also glue residue. Tar can come from roads and sometimes at industrial places, it is used in asphalt roads and can be used at construction sites for roofing and some plumbing jobs. It doesn’t cause damage, but shows up as ugly black spots which are notoriously difficult to remove.

What is a shampoo

Car shampoo is a specially formulated cleaning liquid that is used in combination with a washmitt to clean a car in a safe way. It is recommended to wash a car with a proper car shampoo and the 2 (or 3) bucket method.


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