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distributors Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Manufacturers of Detailing related products

CNS Tech Inc.

CNS Tech Inc is a Korean company that manufacturers, developes and researches different types of coating products. CNS Tech INC creates a few different ranges, with the main difference being the professional or personal user. Coating Farm is the personal range. Other ranges are G1, Mega Ceramic, Megashield and Aqua Coat.

Sam’s Detailing

Sam’s Detailing is an English manufacturer of detailing products, established in 2013 and most known for their all-black design and informal approach. One of the most known products is the Sam’s Detailing Ceramic Boost.


Washworld Inc. is an American manufacturer of car wash systems. The company makes several different types of automatic car wash systems, including the needed support and training for these machines.


AMMO NYC is a detailing products manufacturer with the slogan “Drive + Protect”. The brand offers a small range of products aimed at the most common steps in the detailing process.


Modesta is a Japanese manufacturer of high-end surface coatings and polishes for the automotive detailing industry. They have distributors in many parts over the world.


AutoGlanz is a Herefordshire, United Kingdom based manufacturer of automotive detailing products. Who also sells their products via their own webshop. The company is fairly young.


Autosmart is one of the biggest suppliers of car cleaning products and materials, which are mostly supplied just to professionals and other businesses. The company aims at formulating large quantities which push production costs down. Autosmart is almost being sold worldwide and is based in Staffordshire, United Kingdom.


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