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How to polish gelcoat

Gelcoats are mostly found when working on boats and jetski’s. It is a specified type of surface that is used in the process of making the shape of the object. A gelcoat is different then paint. It can be polished, clayed and protected, but slightly different then automobile paint.

How to detail a motorbike

Detailing a motorbike isn’t all that different to any other surface. The main different will be the technique and the tools used because of working in small spaces. Motorbike cleaning requires more effort then most other vehicles, due to small crevices and tight corners.

What is jeweling

Jeweling is popular term among those who want to achieve the last and final step of finishing polishing a car. Although it is not certain where the term came from, if done properly it does add depth to the paintwork.

How to wash your car in the summer

Washing a car in the summer gives the risk of the sun evaporating the water quicker then it can be dried off. You either have to be quick or smart to prevent waterspots or dried up products. These tips might help you in reducing the risk.

How to use a glass cleaner

Using a glass cleaner properly is the part that can make a big difference. A budget product used correctly can give better results than a quality product used badly. Getting streak-free and smear-free result can be achieved much easier when using the right technique.

What is a glaze

A glaze is special product that can be used to hide surface imperfections without removing them. This oily product will literally fill in the microscopic gaps and make the surface look shiny and without any swirls. It is popular with people who don’t have a lot of time, but do want a good shine.

How to apply a glaze

A glaze is a product that hides very light surface imperfections. It is often used when somebody doesn’t have the time to give the car a full polish, but wants to achieve a freshly polished look. There are certain positives and negatives with using a glaze. Knowing exactly when to use it will help you to get the most out of it.

Introducing a Newbie to DA Polishing

The DA (Dual Action) polisher is considered by many to be the machine to use if you are new to machine polishing, though as discussed elsewhere, this is not always the case – rather, you should try wherever possible to try both styles of machine (DA and rotary) and see which suit your style the best as many will find the vibrations of DA polisher unsettling and this struggle with the control of the machine can actually make it more dangerous than the smoother rotary.


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