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Japanese Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Manufacturers of Detailing related products

Hikari Co

Hikari is a Japanese manufacturer of vehicle coatings. Although they focus most on automobile, they also offer products aimed at boats, houses and solar panels. The company has roughly 20 countries where their products are exported to.

Melamine sponge

A melamine sponge is white sponge that resembles a foam-like sponge. It is often used to remove stubborn stains and provides strong cleaning power with much less surface imperfections then a scouring pad. It is a common products in a detailers arsenal.


Soft99 is a Japanese manufacturer of cleaning products. Although they are most famous for their Soft99 Fusso Hybrid Wax, they also make several other products. Soft99 is the only brand that is based in Japan and has such a large customer base in Europe.


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