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Manufacturers of Detailing related products


Shurhold is an American manufacturer of detailing products and car care related products. The brand doesn’t focus on just cars, but also boats, RV’s and caravans. It is one of a few brands that offers products, machines and tools under 1 name.

Ceramic pro

Ceramic Pro is the productline created by Nanoshine Ltd. Ceramic Pro consists out of pure ceramic type products, including a ceramic coating for automobile and marine.’


Nanoshine Ltd is the company behind Ceramic Pro, a product range aimed at product based on the usage of ceramic components.

Four Star Products

Four Star Products is an American manufacturer of detailing products aimed at the automotive and/or marine detailing industry. The brand originates from 1989 and is based in Florida.


303 is an American brand by GoldEagle and consists of several detailing products for a wide variety of markets. The products can be used for automotive detailing, but also for indoor/outdoor use and boat care. The brand offers several different products for several different tasks.

Mothers Wax

Mothers Wax is a California, America based manufacturer of detailing products. They offer a wide variety of products that include shampoo, wax, sealants and tools. They have been busy in the world of detailing for several years.


Collinite is an American based manufacturer of professional automotive detailing products, mainly aimed at wax. Its focus is not only on cars, but also boats, industrial and aircrafts.


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