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Articles related to decontamination

How to remove tree sap

The term tree sap refers to several different type of contaminants that, generally, originate from the same source: a plant and/or tree. The most common use of the term “tree sap” is used to describe the resin that can seep through the bark and fall onto surface underneath the tree. Tree sap is incorrectly also used to refer to the fluids excreted by aphids.

What are wiper marks

Wiper marks are surface imperfections in the direction and line that windscreen wipers move. Simply put, these are marks in the glass caused by the movement of the windscreen wipers. They can affect your vision and are difficult te remove.

What are surface imperfections

A surface imperfection is an unwanted difference in depth, height or structure to the surrounding area. For example: a scratch, which is basically a sudden difference in depth with an edge that has an angle that is very different to the one of the surrounding area.

How to polish glass

Polishing glass is not the same as polishing paint. Using the right technique will help to get easier results. Glass can be polished when it suffers from wiper marks and small imperfections.

How to wash your car in the summer

Washing a car in the summer gives the risk of the sun evaporating the water quicker then it can be dried off. You either have to be quick or smart to prevent waterspots or dried up products. These tips might help you in reducing the risk.


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