How to headlight polishing
Headlights are often made from plastic, which can turn dull over time. Polishing will remove the matte layer and slowly reveal the clear and transparent finish again.
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Headlights are often made from plastic, which can turn dull over time. Polishing will remove the matte layer and slowly reveal the clear and transparent finish again.
There are reasons why paintwork can turn dull. Oxidized paintwork, or UV-damaged paintwork. Oxidized paintwork can look dull and looses its shine. It doesn’t turn pale or looses its color, this would be UV-damage, not oxidation.
When you have a matte wrap on your car, or just matte paintwork, you need to take care what protective product you are using. Protecting a matte finish is just as important as on a normal surface, but you need to be careful what you use.
Cleaning a matte surface is slightly different to cleaning a regular glossy surface. There are certain things you need to keep in mind to do the job correctly without affecting the matte look.