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polishpads Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Manufacturers of Detailing related products


Hamach is part of the EMM company, along with Colad and Ronin Tools. The headoffice is based in The Netherlands and aims at any sector that works with colored coats such as automotive paint. They offer a very wide range of products such as measuring cups, tools and ventilation.


Colad is part of the EMM company, along with Hamach and Ronin Tools. The headoffice is based in The Netherlands and aims at any sector that works with colored coats such as automotive paint. They offer a very wide range of products such as measuring cups, tools and ventilation.

What is masking tape

Masking tape is tape designed to be applied to sensitive surfaces with the aim of masking off certain areas and easy and residue free removal. Masking tape comes in several sizes and can be varies colors. It helps to prevent polish from getting onto surfaces you don’t want it to get at.


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