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protections Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

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Protecting a matte surface

When you have a matte wrap on your car, or just matte paintwork, you need to take care what protective product you are using. Protecting a matte finish is just as important as on a normal surface, but you need to be careful what you use.

What is a coating

In the world of protective products, their are several different types. Many detailers will be familiar with wax, some also with sealants but not many will have heard of a coating. These coatings are special products that offer extreme durability and protection, but with a cost; much less easy to apply. The technology behind these products is also very different to sealants or wax. There are coatings for paintwork, glass, rubber and plastic. These product are also referred to as SiO2 coatings or as Ceramic coatings.

A guide into wax

Carnauba waxes are the traditional automotive paintwork protection. Carnauba wax is secreted by the leaves of a tree in the rainforests of Brazil in order to protect the leaves from the blistering heat. It is one of natures most durable waxes with excellent protective properties that makes it ideal for protecting paint.


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