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refinement Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Articles related to correction

What is a finishing polish

A finishing polish is often considered the last step in the polishing process. It is a very fine polish that has a low grade of cut but a high level of perfect finish. A finishing polish can remove oxidation, marring, very light swirls and some of the minor imperfections.

How to polish gelcoat

Gelcoats are mostly found when working on boats and jetski’s. It is a specified type of surface that is used in the process of making the shape of the object. A gelcoat is different then paint. It can be polished, clayed and protected, but slightly different then automobile paint.

What is a compound

In the world of polishes there are several grades. Among them are the compounds. These are the rough polishes aimed at more cut and less refinement. A compound is often used in combination with a rotary, but can also be used with a DA polisher.

What are holograms

Holograms are a visual sideeffect that can occur when polishing in a certain way with certain products. It looks good with minimal lighting, but when the lights hits the paint just right, you can see certain marks in de surface. These are very small surface imperfections that cause the light to be reflected in a slightly different way.

What are surface imperfections

A surface imperfection is an unwanted difference in depth, height or structure to the surrounding area. For example: a scratch, which is basically a sudden difference in depth with an edge that has an angle that is very different to the one of the surrounding area.


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