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residue Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Miscellaneous detailing related content

What is a caramel disc

The caramel disc is a round tool that is used to remove sticker/decal residue and other material that is stuck on the surface. The caramel disc has several different names, such as: decal wheel, caramel wheel, cleaning disc, decal eraser, eraser wheel and/or glue eraser disc.

What is gumming

Gumming can occur when polishing with not enough lubrication, to much heat and a clogged pad. It will show up as sticky residue marks on the paintwork. It is a general indication of an incorrect polishing technique. Ignoring this issue will negatively affect your polishing result.

How to remove dried up polish

Dried up polish can be very unattractive. It is also a hardened substance that can cause surface damage when rubbed over the paintwork. Although the detailer should have removed this, it can be encountered on some jobs. Dried up wax residue can generally be approached in the same way.

What is IPA

IPA stands for IsoPropyl Alcohol, and is a chemical compound often used in the world of detailing to remove polish residue. The liquid is colorless with a strong odor. Caution is required for this liquid is very highly flammable!

what is rinseless wash

A rinseless wash is a washing technique that allows you to wash your car in a way that does not require rinsing afterwards. It is not waterless, but rinseless. This way of washing can save on time and/or product and prevents too much chemicals from going down the drain.

What is waterless wash

Waterless washing is a technique in which no water is used to clean the surface. The product for this technique has high lubricating properties, good cleaning agents and leaves little to no residue. It is not always as good as a regular wash, and is not suited for highly contaminated vehicles.

Removing residue from trims and plastics

Trying to prevent polish or wax from getting onto trims and plastics doesn’t always go flawless. In those cases, you might experience the white haze (residue) you can get on the plastic. Getting that white haze off might not be as easy as you think.

How to remove badges

Removing badges is a cosmetic thing. Many people like a clean and empty look, meaning the badges need to go. It takes a little practive to get them off easily and without doing any damage. The goal is to remove them without being able to notice that there where ever any badges applied.

What is masking tape

Masking tape is tape designed to be applied to sensitive surfaces with the aim of masking off certain areas and easy and residue free removal. Masking tape comes in several sizes and can be varies colors. It helps to prevent polish from getting onto surfaces you don’t want it to get at.


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