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How to remove a ceramic coating

Ceramic coatings are very strong forms of protection, but they are not eternal. Eventually they need to be removed in order to prepare the surface for a brand new application of protection. This means the entire layer of ceramic coatings need to be removed.

Always Dry

Always Dry is an American supplier of nano-technology based products, based in Philipsburg, USA. The company has a strong focus on sealants and coatings that utilize the ceramic nano-technology features that have proven very popular over the last years.

TAC System

TACSYSTEM is a Korean manufacturer of specialized nano-technology products. The company has made a name by being the main supplier for several other big detailing manufacturers.

Ceramic pro

Ceramic Pro is the productline created by Nanoshine Ltd. Ceramic Pro consists out of pure ceramic type products, including a ceramic coating for automobile and marine.’


Nanoshine Ltd is the company behind Ceramic Pro, a product range aimed at product based on the usage of ceramic components.


22PLE is a manufacturer of high end synthetic coatings, mostly based on SiO2 technology. The company itself has a big audience in Australia.

Preparing for ceramic coating

A ceramic coating isn’t the most easy form of protection to apply. However, the added performance often make it worth the extra effort. Preparing the surface as best as possible will get the best performance out of the coating.

What is a coating

In the world of protective products, their are several different types. Many detailers will be familiar with wax, some also with sealants but not many will have heard of a coating. These coatings are special products that offer extreme durability and protection, but with a cost; much less easy to apply. The technology behind these products is also very different to sealants or wax. There are coatings for paintwork, glass, rubber and plastic. These product are also referred to as SiO2 coatings or as Ceramic coatings.


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