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thickness Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

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Minimum paint thickness

The minimum paint thickness is an indication that there is no paint left to polish and should be avoided as much as possible. The downside is that this thickness is difficult to monitor or measure. Going passed this minimum thickness will result in strike-through of burn-through.

What is paint thickness

Paint is a layer of coating applied to a surface in order to protect it from the elements, or for cosmetic reasons. Although the type of paint can be different, the layer of paint will still have a certain paint thickness.

What is a paint thickness gauge (PTG)

A Paint Thickness Gauge (often abbreviated to PTG, and also called a Paint Depth Gauge) is an electronic device that measures the distance between the body-panel and the sensor. This way you can measure the thickness of the paint. This gives you an indication of how much paint you have left to work with.


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