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wheelcleaner Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Manufacturers of Detailing related products

Jewelultra ltd

Jewelultra is an English manufacturer from Kent that produces several different types of products for the professional automotive detailing scene. Their most popular product is likely to be Diamondbrite, a paint sealant. The company does not only offer products for car detailing, but also for industrial and janitorial industries.

What is a wheel cleaner

Within detailing, there are many different types of product. Within the group of cleaning products, there are sub-categories. Amongst them is the wheel cleaner. This is a specific cleaning products designed to clean wheels. This product will be specifically aimed at removing dirt that is most common for this area, such as brake dust, grime, mud, tar and several more. Not all wheel cleaners attack all these contaminants, but most attack many of them.


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