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wheels Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Articles related to decontamination

What is an aluminium brightener

Aluminium brighteners are essentially forms of hydrofluoric acid, which also sold under the type “tire cleaner”. A very similar product is used for etching glass and rust removers. The pure product is extremely toxic and dangerous. Aluminium brightener is another name for “wheel cleaner” or “metal cleaner”.

What are alloy wheels

Alloy wheels are specific wheels have been made out of aluminium or magnesium, with certain other elements added. They can come in various shapes and sizes and even the finish can differ greatly between models or brands.

What is powdercoating

Powdercoating is a paint technique. Instead of spraying the liquid paint on a surface, and let it cure. A powder is sprayed over a surface and baked the cure. Powdercoating is very popular for coating wheels with paint.

What is a brake cleaner

Brake cleaner is a specific product that is designed to clean off brake pads and brake discs. The solution is sprayed on the object and then wiped off. It is particularly good at removing stubborn dirt, cleaning of grease and oils and removing brake dust.

How to polish wheels

Wheels are an important part of your vehicles appearance. Polishing wheels can be just as effective on the overall look of the vehicle as the rest of the paintwork. Polishing wheels isn’t very difficult, but takes some practice and the proper polish/tools to do it perfectly.

What is tire dressing

Tire dressing is made to restore faded black rubber. After a car has been detailed, you want the car to look spotless in every way. You cleaned the arches, the wheels, washed the car and even gave it a new coat of wax. In that case, you also want the tires to look deep, dark black. A tire dressing is an (mostly) oily product that helps to bring back the deep dark color or rubber.

Cleaning arches – Basic

Cleaning up the wheel and arch at the start of a detail can make a big difference to the end result. Even as part of a general wash, ensuring the wheel arches are fully cleaned out is important to ensure that the car doesn’t have a clean bodywork but then muddy covered arches which stand out a mile away!


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