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wrapping Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

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How to wrap

Applying a wrap to a surface is not extremely difficult, but it needs practice and experience to do it properly. You need to able to see and feel what you have to do. Although the guide below does NOT contain everything you need to know, it can serve as a starting point. If you get better at it, you will slowly learn how to do a better job.

What types of wrap are there

Although almost all wraps are made from a PVC type material (vinyl), there can be a big difference in the different types of wrap you can get. The big diversity of wraps are part of their growing succes.

What is a wrap

A wrap is a plastic film that can be applied over a surface. This can be done instead of a respray. The film can easily be removed after a while, and doesn’t need much work afterwards. Applying a wrap is referred to as “wrapping”.


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