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Junkman2000 is the channel of enthusiast detailer: A.J. Johnson. The Youtube channel with 164 videos has a steady stream of followers ever since it beginning in 2006 with 34.992 subscribers. Junkman2000 has a rough viewing audience of 4.648.607 views.


Junkman2000 history

Junkman2000’s real name is A.J. Johnson. Born in the United States he has been involved with detailing mostly via an outgrown hobby. His passion has lead him to explain and teach others on the art of detailing. In September 2006 his passion went online when he started the Youtube channel now known as Junkman2000. From 2006 to 2018 he managed to create 164 video, get almost 35.000 subscribers and a viewing audience of over 4.5 million views.
Even though he has gathered fame accross the world, Junkman2000 doesn’t detail cars for a living. The American owns a computer consulting company called: The PC Surgeon, Inc. The company provides businesses with detailed information and advice on IT infrastructures and IT services. He has also been shown on “Kentukiana 2 day” where he had his own show on computer related advice and information. This show lasted for about 10 years. Junkman2000 can also be known as The Junkman, Junkman, AJ Junkman and some even call him Junkman Johnson.

Junkman2000 video’s

Junkman2000 makes video’s on varies subjects that revolve around detailing. Some might argue that his videos can be categorized in “detailing” and “valeting” because some videos are more aimed at getting it done “quick”, whilst other go in depth on certain techniques and tools. His videos are widely known and used for beginners to get a feeling for detailing and the tasks around it. The common consensus is that Junkman2000 videos are a good starting point, and can also be used by experienced detailers to recollect certain techniques or product-properties. His videos cover virtually every aspect around detailing, from doing a simple wash, to claying, to polishing techniques.

Junkman2000’s Youtube channel

Junkman2000 doesn’t have a personal website, although his videos are shared, linked and talked about on nummerous websites and social media. The original channel can be found on: or via his user profile: and publishes new videos regularly. There is no original Facebook page or group.

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