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glass sealant Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Articles related to decontamination

What is wiper judder

Wiper judder refers to “jumping” wipers that shake/jump/judder when moving over the windscreen. The rubber from the windscreen wiper sticks to the glass surface even though the wiper arm continues to move. The rubber “jumps” over the surface instead of gliding smoothly over the glass.

TEVO Creations

TEVO Creations is a raw material supplier/distributor, private label company and also manufacturer/developer of nano-technology based products for the consumer, construction and automotive market. It is one of a few companies like this that originates from Malaysia.


Carlack is a Swiss manufacturer of car care products that has been making products since 1958. The brand is divided into 4 sections: Carlack, Aerolack, Yachtlack and Polylack, to cater for the need of several different type of surfaces and types of contaminants.

Carbon Collective

Carbon Collective is an English manufacturer of different types of detailing products. The company is located in Daventry, England and has a distributor in America. They company has a selection of approved detailers and retailers in Europe and a distributor in America.

What are wiper marks

Wiper marks are surface imperfections in the direction and line that windscreen wipers move. Simply put, these are marks in the glass caused by the movement of the windscreen wipers. They can affect your vision and are difficult te remove.


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