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Carlack is a Swiss manufacturer of car care products that has been making products since 1958. The brand is divided into 4 sections: Carlack, Aerolack, Yachtlack and Polylack, to cater for the need of several different type of surfaces and types of contaminants.


Carlack’s history

Carlack was established in 1958 in Switzerland with the goal to make professional car care product that are “as easy and effective as possible”. The brand started with a strong focus on car related maintenance and protection but has evolved into boat care, aircraft care and overall technical care. The Swiss craftmanship envied worldwide is a big part of the success behind Carlack. The brand is also one of the earlier car care brands in Europe and is only one of a few companies in Switzerland to focus on surface technology. Carlack has direct ties with the less known Maxolen that provides for different types of cleaning and car care products aimed at carwashes and larger car cleaning companies.

Carlack’s products

The products made by Carlack can be divded into 4 sections:


Widely recognized for the bright yellow color used in the label is the first line of products from Carlack. Products aimed at surface care and protection for automotive vehicles. In general these products can be safely used on motorcycles as well. The new look for Carlack Excellence products was launched somewhere around 2012 and shows black labels with orange letters.
The total range of products offers cleaners, shampoo, and protection for different types of surfaces.


Aerolack is a specific range of products from Carlack that aims directly at the aircraft vehicles. Providing strong cleaners and protectants to keep the surfaces from aircrafts clean and contamination free. This range of products was introduced in 2012 and contains over 50 years of experience in their creation.


The Yachtlack range of products are aimed at the care for boats and other aquatic vehicles. Most products are directly compatible with gelcoat and offer protection for surfaces that are very frequently exposed to water. Yachtlack was launched together with Aerolack in 2012 and provides over 50 years of experience in their performance.


Polylack was part of the expansion Carlack made in 2012 where the brand introduced the new range of products. The technology used in the creation of products for vehicle cleaning and surface care can also be used in the care for other objects and surfaces. This has lead to the creation of Polylack, a range of products aimed at general surface care. This can be used for construction, structural elements, railways, metal facades, industrial vehicles and much more.

Company information

Carlack has its own company website. The company is located in Switzerland and has a second headquarters in Germany. The brand is available almost worldwide thanks to a network of distributors and resellers. The brand is not very active on social media, message boards of detailing-related fora. The brands is also not often seen on detailing-related events or car care meetings. The company is most often represented by a distributor or reseller.

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