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Zaino is an American manufacturer of automotive detailing products. The headquarters is located in America, but the products are being sold throughout Europe and the rest of the world with the possibility to ship worldwide.


Zaino history

Zaino – Show Car Polish Products was founded several years ago and resides in Lakewood, America. The brand is being distributed to several international companies for a wider distribution of products.

Zaino UK and Europe

Set up by John Hole and a friend, Zaino Europe Ltd is a relatively young company in the world of detailing. Starting with just a few products, the brand has grown into a collection of automotive detailing products that include sealant, polish, shampoo, cleaners and dressings. Starting with reselling Zaino products out in England, they have spread throughout Europe with an official distributor for the European customers.

The products

Zaino has a very focused range of products, instead of offering many products that do similar things, they aim at 1 product that performs well enough to replace the need for several different products. The current range varies from sealants, polishes, cleaners and dressing. The labels are simple in order to spent more time and effort on creating properly performing products.

Company information

Zaino has its own company website, they have a Facebook page, Twitter account and Youtube account. They can also be found regularly on detailing fora and visit a few of the major detailing events in England and Europe. They are known to be easy to approach, but for a quick answer you are probably better off with a detailing fora and/or asking your local re-seller.

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