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RDS Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Articles related to correction

Variables that play a part in polishing results

Polishing a certain surface, using a certain technique will not always yield the same results. This is one of the difficult parts about detailing. There are many different variables that play a part in the result you want to achieve. Getting these all lined up will give great results in short time with ease.

What is a RDS

RDS is an abbreviation for Random Deep Scratch. This refers to a scratch of which the origin is not directly clear or obvious, it is most often an isolated mark. RDS do not all have to be the same size or depth.

What is polishing

Polishing is the act of using a light abrasive product to remove a very thin layer from the surface that gets polished. Usually this process is preceded by a very thorough cleaning of the surface.


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