Why DetailingWiki
What is DetailingWiki?
DetailingWiki is a free wikipedia-style website that offers its readers free information of high quality. We are not biased, have no commercial interest into a certain brand or product and are completely independent. The information on DetailingWiki can be edited and is completely organic. Free independent information, available for anybody and everybody. From detailer for detailers.
Why use DetailingWiki?
DetailingWiki is aimed at the collection of information. Our writers are independent, skilled detailers who have proven their value in the field of detailing over many years. Some have a background in science, others are just passionate about discovering as many facts as they can find. But all of us are passionate about sharing our knowledge with all our readers.
Demands on a DetailingWiki article.
Our articles do not contain brand- or productnames unless it is absolutely necessary. Photos and images used on DetailingWiki only contain brand- or productnames when it absolutely necessary.
Mention as many sources as you can, and be honest when something is just an unproven theory.
Every article consists out of at least 400 character and 1 main image that describes the article in a general way.
DetailingWiki articles do not judge! We do not give our opinion on what product is better than the other. We offer facts and figures and give people the tools to create their own opinion about the subject. If you have found an article, paragraph, claim or other piece of text that you do not agree with, you are free to discuss this matter on the DetailingWiki Project FB group.
– Articles regarding a certain product
– Articles regarding a certain brand
Why people will choose DetailingWiki.
There are a few other detailing-related wiki’s on the web, but none have the quality webdesign as DetailingWiki has. Neither of those sites are optimized to be used on/with Social Media or are at all active on Social Media. Most of these other detailing-related wikis do not collectively gather information or articles from different sources. They contain the text and explanation from a single person with a single opinion/mindset.
By keeping a close eye on quality we can assure good informative articles that our readers can depend on. Becoming a trusted source of information will convince our readers to keep using us as a source of reference or information.
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