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power Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Posts about general maintenance of a detailed object.

How to detail an electric engine bay

Detailing an electric engine bay is slightly different to a normal engine bay because the lack of a combustible engine. Electric engine require attention to different aspects then combustion engines. Seeing as electric cars are getting more popular, these will become a common sight in the future.

What is a steamer / steam cleaner

A steamer is a device that uses the steam from heated water (under pressure) to pump through a hose. When it leaves the hose, it can be used to clean certain surfaces with. The advantage of using steam is the relative high temperature that can help to loosen up dirt and certain chemicals.

What is conservation

Conservation is a large part in the detailing process. It prevent wear and tear and is aimed at maintaining the original properties of the object. Conservation can also be financially rewarding, as is the case with most oldtimers or supercars.

Variables that play a part in polishing results

Polishing a certain surface, using a certain technique will not always yield the same results. This is one of the difficult parts about detailing. There are many different variables that play a part in the result you want to achieve. Getting these all lined up will give great results in short time with ease.


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