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What is a caramel disc

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The caramel disc is a round tool that is used to remove sticker/decal residue and other material that is stuck on the surface. The caramel disc has several different names, such as: decal wheel, caramel wheel, cleaning disc, decal eraser, eraser wheel and/or glue eraser disc.


Why use a caramel disc

The caramel disc is used to remove difficult-to-remove residue from the surface, usually materials such as sticker residue. This residue might be to much for a tar and glue remover to use, or you might want to safe on using an expensive product. The caramel disc will “scrape” off the residue, leaving just a tiny bit of residue that can easily be wiped off with a cloth and some tar and glue remover.

How to use the caramel disc

Most caramel disc are round, with a metal bar sticking out from the centre. It can be inserted into the head of a (cordless) drill. When the drill is on motion, the disc will spin rapidly. The abrasive action it has on the surface scrapes off the sticky residue. Over time, the caramel disc will wear and become smaller. The drill should not be set on top speed, since this might burn the residue instead of removing it. The drill is best started on slow speed, and then slowly turned up to about 50% of the maximum speed. Caution and care should always be taken, and despite our advise you might notice that the speed on your drill should be a little bit slower or higher then our maximum of 50%.

What is the caramel disc

The caramel disc is a round tool that is used with a (cordless) drill. The disc is usually around 10cm in diameter, brown/yellow in colour and round. The most used thickness is roughly 2cm. There are also variations of the disc that have parts cut out. The disc will wear when used, becoming smaller every time. It is usually marked on the inside when it should be replaced with a new wheel. When in use, the wheel can give a decent amount of dust. Normally, the wheel doesn’t require any form of maintenance.

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