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Britemax (formerly: Metal Masters) started out in 2004 with a strong focus on metal polishing products. The current range has grown into compounds, glazes, sealants and waxes with several different types of cleaning products. The company sits in the UK, but is indirectly related to the USA located Apollo Masters.


Britemax history

Britemax started in 2004 with a focus on the refining of surfaces. The brand started out as Metal Masters and earned its reputation on metal polishing products by a nickname “Metal twins”. A name that later got adopted by the company. During the years Britemax developed several different types of products for surface refinishing, including polishes, glazes, sealants and waxes. To maintain these surface, the company developed the matching cleaning products such was shampoo, degreasers, iron removers, cleaners and conditioners.
Britemax is a wholly owned subsidiary of Transco Blanx, part of Apollo Masters. Britemax is a British company with products being manufacturer in the USA. The company is run by Matt and John Woods. The name Karl Woods is also found on various websites, but it is unclear what his role is.

Britemax products

Although Britemax started with a focus on metal polish, the company now offers a wider variety or products that include polishes, polishes, dressing, glass cleaners, shampoo and several accessories and tools. Most products can either be bought directly via Britemax’ own webshop, or via one of their resellers.

Company information

Britemax has its own company website and the company is fairly active on social media such as Facebook. The brand can sometimes be found on detailing or car care related fora or message boards, albeit being mentioned by users or resellers. The brand is sometimes seen on larger car care events or meetings. The products are being sold throughout the United Kingdom and America, with a few places within Europe that hold stock as well.

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