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Riwax Chemie AG

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RIWAX is a manufacturer of several different types of car care and car detailing products. The brand is being sold in several different countries and has an almost global spread. The brand originates from Switzerland.


RIWAX history

RIWAX Chemie AG was founded in 1967 in Switzerland. The current headoffice is located in Bern with subsidiaries in The Netherlands and the Czech Republic. The brand has always had a strong focus on knowledgeable customer support and well directed production facilities. RIWAX aims to be the leading Swiss manufacturer and supplier of specialty car care products. The brand is being sold in over 35 countries around the globe

RIWAX products

The products manufactured by RIWAX are being sold in over 35 countries, but made solely in the Swiss production facility. Products are generally made after an order is made, and shipped/distributed via subsidiaries in the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

Products offered by RIWAX are generally divided into 4 sections,


A range of products for home use. Most of the products are offered in small packages with a higher aim at user friendly make up.


Different products with some that require more technical experience for use. Most products are also available in larger quantities.

Car wash

Full collection of products and equipment for car washes.

Tools, aids

Different types of tools and equipment for general use.

Company information

RIWAX has its own company website with a direct link to the different countries where the brand has distributors. The brand is not overly active on social media, it is not often seen on detailing related events or meetings and is usually represented by resellers and distributors.

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