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Liqui Tech LLC

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Liqui Tech is a Canadian company that was founded in 1992 and has been developing car care products. The most common name used for their products is Finish First. The company has a wide range of products offering solutions for vehicles, motors, RV and marine cleaning needs.


Liqui Tech LLC history

Liqui Tech LLC was founded in 1992 in West Virginia, America by a car enthusiast who had a dream of a line of car care products that where easy to use and also more durable then the offer from other manufacturers at the time. The products had to increase the shine on his ’59 Covertte. After its initial launch, the product called Finish First Polish remained at the fore-front of polymer and nano-technology. The most well known product offered by the company is probably Finish First Polish. Within the 15 years since founding, the company got 15 patented formulas for their products.

Liqui Tech LLC products

The range of products offered by Liqui Tech LLC are branded with the trademark Finish First and include a lot more then the polish that started it all. The current range includes olishes, shampoo’s, finishers, glass cleaners, metal polish and accessoires for several different types of vehicles.

Company information

Liqui Tech LLC has its own company website. The brand is not overly active on social media and its only seen on message boards or detailing-related fora when mentioned by users or re-sellers. The brand can sparingly be seen on larger car care meetings or detailing-related events.

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