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Miscellaneous detailing related content

Melamine sponge

A melamine sponge is white sponge that resembles a foam-like sponge. It is often used to remove stubborn stains and provides strong cleaning power with much less surface imperfections then a scouring pad. It is a common products in a detailers arsenal.

What is a washmitt

A popular item to be used by detailers and valeters alike is the washmitt. This accessory allows you to safely wash off dirt and grime from a surface with a minimum risk of creating swirls. Thus preserving the finish you achieved after polishing and refining the surface.

Why use a washmitt

When you ask a detailer for a starter pack, they will often begin with 2 buckets and a proper washmitt. But why? What’s so special about a washmitt that you need to have it? A washmitt is essential in taken care of your vehicle in a way that will minimize the amount of surface imperfections you create.

What is the one bucket method

The one bucket method is the most used method of washing a car, but is also the least recommended way of washing the car. In this method the user only uses 1 bucket, which doesn’t allow for much rinsing of the sponge/washmitt.

What is the three bucket method

The 3-bucket method is just like the 2-bucket method, a generally accepted safe way to wash a vehicle. The difference is that you use 3 buckets instead of 2. The third bucket can be used for more then 1 different reason.

What is washing

Washing is the act of replacing unwanted particles/substances from a surface to a carrying medium. This act is used to clean the surface that is being washed.


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