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What is the three bucket method

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The 3-bucket method is just like the 2-bucket method, a generally accepted safe way to wash a vehicle. The difference is that you use 3 buckets instead of 2. The third bucket can be used for more then 1 different reason.


Why use the three bucket method

The 2 or 3 bucket methods are genrally accepted to be the safest methods to wash a vehicle. The process itself can involve snowfoam and polishing, but this method only refers to the washing stage. In the 3 bucket method, one bucket is used for a water/shampoo solution, another bucket to rinse out the washmitt or MF sponge you are using, the third bucket can be used for more then one different reason.

What to use the third bucket for

What the 3rd bucket is for depends on the situation, some use it with a stronger cleaning solution to wash the wheels and wheel arches, others use this bucket to rinse out the washmitt of MF sponge an extra time. It can also be used to soak one washmitt or MF sponge while you are using the other one. The three-bucket method is simply an extension on the 2 bucket method. The action for which the third bucket is used also determines to order of the steps within the washing stage.

Different ways to use the third bucket

The 3rd bucket can be used for several different reasons:

  • Wash the wheels before or after you washed the rest of the vehicle
  • An extra rinse bucket for the washmitt or MF sponge
  • A bucket with a stronger or different cleaning solution
  • Wash the engine bay or underbody before or after washing the rest of the vehicle
  • A bucket with warm water if the other buckets contain cold water

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