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Monstershine car care

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Monstershine Car Care is an Scottisch manufacturer of detailing product. The brand was founded by John and Stephen and currently is located in Glasgow, Scotland. The company has been active since 2014.


Monstershine history

Monstershine was founded by John and Stephen, who have been into detailing since their very early years. John mentions on the company website how he used to go out with his father cleaning his fathers car. The company has been seen since 2014, and has been active on social media and several different channels ever since. However, both John and Stephen have experience within the field of detailing for a lot longer. Both have been involved since their younger years.

Monstershine products

Monstershine can be divided into 2 sections when looking at their products: their own brand and other brands. Within the Monstershine brand, the company offers a large range of products that are aimed at the majority of detailing steps including some tools and accessories. The other brands either compliment this range of products or fill in the gaps for very distinct steps that are not overly common.

Company information

Monstershine has its own company website and has an office location in Glasgow and a walk-in shop in the same town. The brand is active on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and can sometimes be seen on detailing fora or message boards. The company is mildly active on meetings or detailing-related events. Apart from their own product, Monstershine also stocks and sells several different brands via their webshop with the option for Click-and-Collect.

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