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Eurochem Group chemicals ltd

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Eurochem Group Chemicals Ltd is an United Kingdom based manufacturer of car car supplies. The brand is mostly known as Eurochem and has a wide range of products for both washing, detailing, cleaning en supplies.


Eurochem Group history

Very little is known about the history of Eurochem Group Chemicals, the only information offered by the company are the different business solutions it offers for B2B customers. This refers to making custom products (with or without label), offering low quantities and having products for many different types of cleaning.

Eurochem Group products

Eurochem Group offers products for janitorial work, detailing, washing vehicles, washroom and hygiene care. The whole product range is aimed at bussiness customers who use high volumes and require cheap products in big container.

Eurochem company information

Eurochem Group Chemicals has its own company website and doesn’t seem to use social media. The company is also rarely seen on car care events, detailing events, car meets or digital meeting ground such as fora or message boards.

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