Written by: Vinnie van Rooij
Nasiol is a Turkish manufacturer of detailing products, they are very unique in their history and origin. The products they offer are concentrated around the use of synthetic products and nano-technologie.
Nasiol history
Nasiol originates from another company, called Artekya Ltd Co. and was formed in 2008 as an R&D company on nanospinning techniques. Being one of only three in the world. Artekya is the main manufacturer or protective nano coatings in Turkey and Europe. Artekya is part of Istanbul Technical University NanoFMG Group, who has been respoonsible for the study en development of nanotechnology since 2005. Nowadays the company focusses on developing and researching nanotechnology in the use of effective and innovative commercial household products via the brand: Nasiol.
The development is aimed at an increased effectiveness with less environmental impact and enhanced performance.
Nasiol milestones
*Quoted directly from the Nasiol website:
- August 2008 Research commenced on commercial nanotechnology.
- October 2011 Decision to utilise expertise to manufacture Hydrophobic nano coatings under brand Nasiol.
- Jan 2012 Retail product range announced for end-use customers, like easy spray protective nanocoatings.
- May 2012 First water-repellent nano coating Nasiol C launched for glass and ceramic surfaces.
- October 2012 Nano coating for textiles Nasiol T shaped to its last formula after one year of real-life testing.
- May 2013 World’s first two-layer, one-component Nano ceramic coating Nasiol ZR53 and quick nano protection Nasiol MF2 launched.
- September 2013 First export delivered to Trinidad and Tobaggo.
- December 2013 Two-layer superhydrophobic coating Nasiol SHBC released to the market after 3 years of research.
- December 2013 Production capacity doubled to accommodate demand.
- May 2014 Our labs synthesized Nasiol Z mineral surface and Nasiol W wood nano coating protections.
- February 2015 Number of countries where Nasiol is exported peaked to 35.
Nasiol products
Products offered by Nasiol revolve around the use of synthetic ingredients with a strong emphasis on nanotechnology. This means that most of their products incorporate the use of SiO2. For the car care industry, this refers to paint coatings, glass coatings, metal coatings and fabric coatings. Besides the car care industry, Nasiol offers products for the marine industry, home applications and personal use.
Company information
Nasiol has its own company website. They are active on social media. The brand is not a regular sight on detailing and/or car care events and is only rarely represented by resellers and/or webshops.
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