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preparation Archives - DetailingWiki, the free wiki for detailers

Articles related to correction

What is IPA

IPA stands for IsoPropyl Alcohol, and is a chemical compound often used in the world of detailing to remove polish residue. The liquid is colorless with a strong odor. Caution is required for this liquid is very highly flammable!

What is a pre-wax cleaner

A pre-wax cleaner is a product that helps to prepare the surface for a layer of wax, the effects the product can have can differ from just preparation by cleaning, to filling swirls (like a glaze) and leaving an oily residue for added gloss.

What is contamination

Contamination is a word that is used frequently in the world of detailing. It refers to the matter on top a surface that shouldn’t be there. They are contaminating the surface, or you can say that they are contaminants. The removal of these contaminants results in a perfectly clean surface. A surface in which the only variable you have to take into account, is the material of the surface itself.

What is Clay

Clay is putty-like substance that is used to remove contaminants from a surface. Clay removes particles that can’t be removed by washing or are difficult to remove with chemical cleaning.


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