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C.A.R. Products is a manufacturer of cleaning chemicals for carwashes located in Holyoke, United States. The company has a strong focus on B2B customers.


Carproducts history

CARproducts was established around 1970 and has been in business for well over 40 years. They are a family owned and operated company that develops and manufacturers cleaning chemicals for carwash installations and valeting companies. They also started to create similar chemicals for truck washes and fleet cleaning.
They have become a member of IDA, CCA, NECA and several other associations that keep an eye on developments in the field of detailing and the carwashing industry.

Carproducts products

The full range of products offered by Carproducts consists of many products in large volumes. The range is made up by cleaning products, tools and accessoiries. Most steps in the detailing and car washing process are covered by the products offered by carproducts.

Company information

CARProducts has its own company website with a focus on B2B visitors. Most products can be found directly on the website. The company is not known to visit detailing events or detailing related meetings. The company is also moderately present on social media.

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