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Leanofy GmbH

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Leanofy is the company behind Neowax, which is a manufacturer of detailing products, located in Germany. The company aims mostly of protective products and offers both wax, sealants and coatings as part of their range.


Leanofy’s products

Leanofy on itself doesn’t offer any detailing products, but is the company behind Neowax. Neowax offers a variety of products via their website en various resellers. The complete range differs from wax and sealant upto coatings. As any manufacturer, they advertise with the use of T1 carnaubawax in their protective products. Their flagship is the Neowax Car Wax No1 with carnauba and SiO2 ingredients.

Leanofy’s history

Neowax was founded by Tom and Christian Ehlert who met via internet. Both being car-enthusiasts. Both ended up in different industries, but both had the passion for car care and their products. With Tom being a former laboratorium manager, creating chemical products for various big manufacturers. And Christian ending up in the businessworld, guiding innovations.

Company information

Neowax has its own company website and is moderately active on social media and similar channels. The brand is not seen on car care events or larger detailing-related meetings. The brand is not often seen on detailing fora or meetings boards, unless represented by users and resellers. The brand is not often seen outside of their own country; Germany.

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