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Supernatural Machine Stick

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The Supernatural Machine Stick came into being for two reasons. The first was that we are always looking at cosmetics packaging because waxes are quite similar in nature, and if we can find a better way to package something we will.


Why the Supernatural Machine Stick

Jars are great, but you can knock them over, you leave them open and bits fall into them, and you can’t put them in your pocket easily. Having a glue stick or deodorant type wax container makes a bit of sense. Keeps the wax protected and clean, yet you can screw the wax up and out of the container and ave easy access to it. Imagine how easy it is loading a foam pad… just wipe it across the top. We’d never recommend direct application to paint, but someone’s going to try… don’t bother as it is too inconsistent. It is like writing with a big wax crayon.

The second reason was to do with machine application of waxes. We have always recommended multiple, consistent, thin layers of wax as these can cure/bond better than thicker layers. Yet, we’ve never really seen machines as good for waxing as their forte is abrasive work. However, we applied some of our old hard wax in a block to a whirring rotary finishing pad, and it loaded up a treat. We then applied it to a panel and it spread like a dream, acting as a large foam sponge applicator. It left a consistent, thin layer and the rotary action seemed to help the solvents melt and work.

After application

As for buffing, we’re not so keen on this by machine as wax needs ‘clean’ microfibre and a rotary bonnet or pad quickly gets clogged. A cyclo could work, using the microfibre ‘nappy/diaper’ method, but otherwise I would suggest buffing by hand.

The Machine Stick comes in a 60ml screw-type dispensing stick and retails for 30 GBP inc VAT.

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