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How to use a glass cleaner

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Using a glass cleaner properly is the part that can make a big difference. A budget product used correctly can give better results than a quality product used badly. Getting streak-free and smear-free result can be achieved much easier when using the right technique.


The perfect conditions for using a glass cleaner

To get the most out of a glass cleaner, it helps to know when to perform the best. Although not everybody will be able to create these conditions, you perhaps try to meet most of them.

  • Low humidity.
    When the humidity is too high, the glass cleaner will not evaporate quick enough. It will not streak, but it will take longer than normal to wipe it off.
  • Room temperature.
    Most product perform best at room temperature, both the product itself and the object it is used on. Working in either the hot summer sun or the cold frozen winter will have an effect on the product. It might evaporate to soon, leaving spots, of not clean well enough.
  • Proper towels.
    Although the products help to loosen up the dirt, you still need a proper MF towel to remove it safely and completely from the surface.
  • Shadow.
    Many glass cleaner are based on an IPA ingredient, which is easier to use in the shade then in the sun. The small amount of heat coming from the sun might cause it to evaporate to quickly, leaving spots and not having enough time to clean of the oils.
  • Proper tools.
    Using the right towels and professional products can make a big difference. MF towels are designed for specific tasks.

The use of different types of glass cleaner

There are several different types of glass cleaners, and all of them use a slightly different approach. The IPA based glass cleaner works by using a solvent to mix with oils, making them easier to remove. The cleaning agents based glass cleaner uses surfactans and emulsifiers to mix with the grime allowing for easy removal.
The guide below is not a fixed guide, it is not the only way these products can be used, but it will you a good starting point to learn what works for you and the product you are using. Take into account that different manufacturers can use slightly different recipes and/or ingredients, meaning the product might have to be used in a slightly different way.

IPA based glass cleaner

What you need: clean MF towel, clean waffle weave towel and the product.

  1. Spray a liberal amount of glass cleaner on the normal MF towel
  2. Rub it on the window and work in areas of roughly 15 inches by 15 inches
  3. Keep rubbing until you feel the surface should be clean (don’t let it dry up)
  4. Quickly grab the waffle weave and wipe the window till all the product is gone
  5. If you get streaks or smears, you might need to repeat steps 2 to 4 until you get a clean streak-/smear free result.

Cleaning agents based glass cleaner

What you need: 2 clean MF towels and the product

  1. Spray a liberal amount on a clean MF towel
  2. Wipe the glass and spread out the product, work in an area of roughly 20 by 20 inches
  3. Either turn the MF towel around or grab the other MF towel and wipe off the product
  4. Keep wiping till the glass is clean and streak free
  5. In case or light smears, it can be enough to spray a mist of water on a clean MF towel and wipe the glass again

Foam glass cleaner

What you need: 2 clean MF towels and the product.

  1. Spray the foam on the glass
  2. Leave it so soak for a short time (read the label)
  3. Wipe off the product with a clean MF towel
  4. Keep wiping till the glass is clean
  5. In case of smears or streaks, it can be enough to spray a mist of water on a clean MF towel and wipe the glass again

Paste glass cleaner

What you need: pad to rub the paste with (something included with the product), MF towel.

  1. Wipe off any superficial dust on the window
  2. Apply some paste onto the pad
  3. Rub the window with the pad
  4. Keep rubbing till the product start to disappears (some slight dust might appear)
  5. Once the product is almost gone, grab the MF towel and wipe off the window
  6. In case of streaks or productresidue, it can be enough to spray a mist of water on a MF towel and wipe the glass again

Wipes glass cleaner

  1. Wipe off any superficial dust on the window
  2. Take out a wipe and fold it out
  3. Use you flat hand to wipe the glass, a slight use of pressure can help
  4. Keep rubbing till the wipe doesn’t give off any product
  5. In case the glass isn’t clean enough yet, take out another wipe and repeat steps 2 to 4

Remember that there is no golden rule that works for every single product. Even though a product is made out of the same basic ingredients as another product, it can still need a slightly different approach to get the most out of it. The above is a guide to help you get started.

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