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ValetPro is an English manufacturer of detailing related products. Although the brand offers a very wide range of products, their cleaners are likely to be the most popular products among most detailers.


The company

ValetPro started out in England with just a few small products. Unlike some other manufacturers, ValetPro first works out what they want the product to do, and how to perform. And only when this has been decided, they actually start to create that product. This helps them to focus more on what the customer is looking for, and less on what the ucrrent technology has to offer.

The products

ValetPro has its products organized in 3 groups: prepare, protect, and maintain. These are the 3 most common points in the circle of detailing. The range provides for cleaning, decontaminating, removing unwanted particles and removing tough stains. After this it can be protected with varies products to maintain the clean look and feel.
The collection of products offered by ValetPro includes wax, sealant, shampoo, fallout remover, glass cleaner, snowfoam, wheel cleaner, dressing, APC and QD.

Company information

ValetPro has a company website that offers information about their products and the places where they can be bought/ordered. ValetPro is available through re-sellers and distributors in Europe, they don’t sell directly from the factory. ValetPro is active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and can sometimes be found on a few detailing related fora. They are fairly easy to contact and have a record of giving good customer service.

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